Mission & Objectives

The aim of the University of Toronto Institute for Multidisciplinary Design & Innovation (UT-IMDI) is to create a unique project based learning (PBL) environment in partnership with industry.

UT-IMDI provides University of Toronto’s FASE undergraduate and graduate students with real-life training opportunities by involving them in practical, industry-based projects. It is a vehicle to promote awareness of design and development challenges facing industry, with an emphasis on its multidisciplinary nature, and evolving technology. Projects are developed by industry in close collaboration with the institute, and are based on real industry design and development needs.

Through networking opportunities provided by the institute, students will develop their links with industry, thus better positioning them for their future careers. UT-IMDI will include senior managers from industry partners, and will meet regularly to review the institute’s activities and progress, as well as make suggestions for improvement. UT-IMDI will be housed in a multidisciplinary design facility at the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (MIE).